Gloab Water Crisis

Global Water Crisis

Global Water Crisis
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Creating Clean Drinking
Water From Air

Drip Drop USA’s patented atmospheric water generation technology creates sustainable clean drinking water out of the air for people around the world.

About drinking water from air

The production of drinking water from humidity in the air (AWG) is one of the most important and innovative water extraction solutions available today, used to tackle the growing problem of depleting levels of drinking water in the world. Within a decade from now, it is believed that 50% of the world’s population will live in areas without access to clean, fresh, and safe drinking water.

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Water From Atmosphere

About DripDropUSA

DripDropUSA is the pioneering USA company that has the mission to become the global leader in the atmospheric drinking water devices (AWG) market, machines that create drinking water from the air. The company’s solutions are the most effective and economical way to solve the pressing issue of drinking water scarcity in any location and at any time, and also enable the elimination of carbon-intensive supply chains and environmentally harmful plastic waste.

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