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The current global drought has had an immense impact on metropolitan cities and agricultural landscapes worldwide. A  2015 NASA study predicts a global mega drought that has not been seen in the last one thousand years which is  expected to cause catastrophic famine, mass migration, and death. Climate change, global warming, and water availability resulting in:

  • State mandated water cuts
  • Food shortages
  • Reduced snowmelt
  • Rapid depletion of fossil aquifers
  • Collapsed water tables
  • Subsidence (sinking land)
  • Damaged infrastructure
  • Billions in lost revenue
  • Rampant starvation (in foreign countries)
  • Reduced crop water allocations
  • Fallowed croplands
  • Environmental impacts to rivers & streams
  • Ultimately higher food prices
  • Drought and desertification is contributing to mass migration and displacement
  • High crop water costs from municipal water suppliers ($250-$400per acre foot of water)
Global Water Crisis